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How to avoid blocked drains

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Blocked drains are a menace, more so if they keep occurring. If you are having blocked drains on a regular basis or wish to have your drains free of blockage, consider the following tips for indoor and outdoor drains;

Indoor drains

Dump solid waste into the garbage bin

 'It seems harmless to flush expired pills down the drain,' you might say.As small as pills are, they are likely to accumulate and add to other small solids like food scraps which have been flushed down the sink and soon your drain is blocked.Any solids should go in the garbage.

Flush waste with clean water

When you are cleaning your stuff, let the dirty water be diluted or rinsed out by clean water.If the water is more viscous or a sludge, add more water to make it flow better.Dirty water will also leave more sediments on your pipes.It can also help if you flush your pipes by pouring hot water into the sink to make the dirty water or sludge flow better.

Take care of oil, grease, and fats

Grease is a formidable enemy of your drainage, it is better to beat it at the source.Wipe oil, grease and fat deposits off your utensils before washing and use enough soap to wash them.Soap dissolves oil, grease, and fats.After washing utensils, pour cold water into the drain to help solidify any oil which will prevent it from sticking to the pipes. Avoid using a too much toilet paper or paper towels Excess toilet paper and paper towels can cause a blocked drain.In any case, you should put paper towels into the bin, then use enough; not too much, toilet paper.

Outdoor drains

Keep the yard clean

Any debris and leaves lying about the yard can end up in your drain when it rains.They are a major cause of blocked drains, and totally preventable.

Control growth

Trees and shrubs growing in the garden are an enemy to the drainage and sewer system.Their roots often damage the pipes, it is wise to plan your property accordingly and let plants that grow long roots be farthest from your drainpipes.

Sieve roof water

Another culprit that causes blocked drains is leaves, feathers, and other debris from your roof when it is washed by rainwater.Ascertain that there is a sieve at the point where the rainwater from the roof enters the pipe.Take time to remove the trapped material from the sieve periodically.

Clean your blocked drain

If you have been grappling with blocked drains regularly, these tips will help little, what you need to do is get a plumber to clean your drain.After that, the above measures will be of great help.
