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Warning Signs of Emergency Bathroom Plumbing Repairs

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Considering that your bathroom is used daily, it is bound to develop plumbing problems at some point. The frequency at which these plumbing issues crop up will largely depend on the age of your plumbing system as well as whether your bathroom plumbing receives regular maintenance or not. It is, therefore, prudent for homeowners to be aware of the symptoms of urgent issues so that they can have the addressed before they turn into a full-blown emergency. So what are some of the warning signs of impending emergency plumbing repairs?

Knocking sounds emanating from the piping

If you start to hear your pipes rumble whenever you turn on the water, it could be an indicator of a couple of things. The first reason why knocking sounds may start coming from your pipes is if the fasteners holding them in place have come loose. As a result, the pipes start to bang against the walls whenever water is gushing through them. A second reason why your pipes may start to emit strange noises is if the water is flowing with extremely high pressure. The immense pressure within the pipes poses the risk of a burst. Therefore, it would be prudent to have a plumber come and rectify the problem as soon as possible.

Your plumbing has developed low water pressure

There is a range of reasons why your bathroom plumbing may suddenly have low water pressure. The most common culprit for low water pressure is a clog or blockage within your pipes. Some homeowners may consider this a minor problem, but the reality is this could easily escalate into a burst pipe as the clog becomes bigger, which would increase water pressure within the pipes. Another reason why you may start to experience low water pressure is if your plumbing has developed a leak that remains undetected. Undetected leaks pose the risk of extensive water damage to your home, compromising the structural integrity of your residence. Lastly, low water pressure can be due to calcium deposits inside the pipes. It would be necessary to hire a plumber to clean your pipe and drains so that these mineral deposits are effectively eliminated.

Your plumbing keeps dripping

Whenever you close your tap or shower, the flow of water should be completely halted. If you find that they are still dripping, no matter how minimal, you should call a plumber. Damaged valves in your plumbing, which would need replacement, could cause constant dripping. However, the dripping can also be caused by a leak or abnormal water pressure.

For more information, contact companies like Sam's Local Plumbing.
