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Tips to Help Keep Residential Drains Clog-Free

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Every day, your residential drains get exposed to all sorts of waste from the kitchen, bathroom, toilet and other parts of the home that are connected to the mains sewer line or septic tank system. Therefore, one of the plumbing emergencies that you should expect to face at some point is clogged drains. Clogged drains can cost you lots of dollars to fix, depending on the nature and severity of the problem, so it's best to take steps to prevent the problem from happening. 

Here are some things that you can do to help ensure your residential drains keep flowing smoothly for as long as possible:

Be mindful of what you dispose of in your drains

Many people are aware of what should and shouldn't be disposed in their residential drains, but simply choose to throw caution to the wind. Hence, part of the reason why a lot of residential drains become blocked is that users constantly allow the wrong types of waste to go into their drains. While it may seem convenient to dispose of all sorts of waste in your drains, the consequences of flushing unacceptable waste items down your drains might not be worth the "convenience." By making sure that only acceptable waste is allowed to enter your drains and that unacceptable waste is disposed of the right way, you can keep your drains flowing smoothly for a long time. In case you are not sure about what should and shouldn't go down the drains, feel free to ask your residential plumber.

Install clog-prevention devices:

It is virtually impossible to keep all unacceptable waste items out of your drains without a little bit of help. Luckily, there is a host of different devices that you can install to help prevent your residential drains from clogging. A grease trap will keep cooking grease out of your kitchen drains, sink strainers will prevent solid waste from going down the sink drains, hair catchers will keep hair out of your bathroom sink or shower drains, and so on. You simply have to ask your plumber to help you choose the right clog-prevention device for every part of your residential drains.

Sitting on the fence when you are being faced with clogged drains is a mistake that can cause you to spend lots of money on plumbing repair service, so being proactive by using the above tips can save you big money! 

Click here for more information on fixing a blocked pipe!
