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What to Know About Changing Over Your Water System from Tank to Tankless

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Tankless hot water systems used to be popular with larger homes and families as a way to help cut down on energy bills and ensure everyone in the home had hot water virtually on demand. Through the years, tankless systems have been adapted for use in traditional residential homes, hospitals, and even in tiny home construction. With that in mind, you may know what the difference between a tank and tankless system is. What you may not know is what occurs during the change over from one water system to the other. Here are some things you should know if you plan on making this changeover:

Swapping Out

There is a misconception about the change over from a tank water system to a tankless water system that the two can simply be swapped out. The truth is this is not the case. In fact, the first thing that may cause an issue is your gas or electric load capacity in your home. This deals directly with how much gas or electrical energy is needed to generate heat in the tankless system to heat the hot water to the desired amount. If your capacity is too low then you may have to have your entire power system or gas system reworked in order to handle the energy load needed for the system. This means having an inspection by a plumber, electrician, or both before installation even begins.

Nothing is Instant

One of the things you will notice about the change over is that the hot water is not an instant thing. You will not be able to turn on the valves on your water system and immediately feel piping hot water coming out. Depending on your existing water system, pipes, house size, and many other factors the water may take several seconds to several minutes to heat up. Though this is not an issue for many people, it can be disheartening after the change over if you aren't aware of this consideration. Something to keep in mind is that though it is not instant, it can be much faster than a traditional water heater system will provide and it does last as long as you would like since it is heated as needed and not heated in a limit bearing tank.

Permits and Inspections

There is a misconception about the change over from a tank to a tankless water system that it can be done as a DIY and without any permits or inspections. The truth is, most areas do require there to be certain permits and inspections depending on the type of tankless system you are installing and the location. Before you begin make sure that you do not need these permits or that you have them lined up for your contractor.

By keeping these key points about the change over in mind, you can better prepare yourself for the switch from tank to tankless water systems. If you are ready to move forward with your water system change, contact your local plumbing contractor for pricing and estimates.
