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3 Water Heaters That Will Offer You Real Energy Efficiency

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Whether you're looking for the best water heater model for your new home or replacing one that is worn out, be careful when choosing. Often, people will typically base their decision on the water capacity that it is capable of holding. However, bear in mind that homeowners have varying lifestyles and the amount of water consumed by a particular home will vary from one household to another. Moreover, you can substantially trim down your hot water usage through water conservation practices. It is essential to settle for a water heater that fulfils your hot water needs while still saving on energy. Read on for a brief guide to the various water heaters that you could purchase. 

Storage Water Heaters

Undoubtedly, in your search for a water heater, you will find that storage tanks are the ubiquitous option in the market. As per their name, the water heater is made up of an insulated tank which heats and holds the water until it is required for use around the home. Storage heater also contains additional elements such as temperature and pressure relief valves. These components work to control the pressure and the temperature to make sure that they do not exceed a specific level. When considering storage heaters, you'll find two primary fuel sources: electric heaters and gas heaters. Although gas heaters are a lot more energy efficient, an electric water heater is more likely to be cost-effective.

Continuous Flow / Instantaneous Water Heaters

As the name implies, these heaters will not make use of a tank to store your hot water. Instead, when you require hot water, it passes through heating coils, warming the water in real time shortly before it reaches your tap. There is no loss of heat associated with this type of heater, making them a more economical choice. These tank-less heaters are becoming a popular option for homeowners looking to integrate green living solutions in their home, as they are one of the most energy efficient choices in the market, making them ideal for people looking to reduce their carbon footprint. It should be noted that tank-less heaters are also not designed to be used for multiple applications simultaneously. For example, if you need hot water to wash your dishes as well as to shower, you would have to choose which task to accomplish first.

Hybrid Water Heaters

Hybrid heaters function by combining both the storage tank and instantaneous water heater to overcome the limitations of each hot water system. As such, hybrid heaters incorporate the best aspects of the two types of heaters, to come up with an efficient hot water unit.

Tank-less heaters will need some time to ramp up which leads to inevitable wastage of water, and they don't perform quite well when more than one water outlets are in use. On the other hand, a storage water heating system can run out of hot water unexpectedly, at any time.
