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How to Detect an Underground Water Leak Quickly and Efficiently

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Have you ever tried to locate a leak in an underground pipe? If so, you know how difficult it can be, especially if you do not use the latest technology available to those who are in the trade. You don't want to make the same mistake twice if you can help it, so if you are designing the layout of your new home, you will need to take into account where all your plumbing and sewage lines should be placed. What water line leak detection method should you use to make sure that you can easily find any leaks in the future?

Using Tracer Wire

In order to shortcut the process, you should think about attaching some tracer wire to each plastic pipe along its entire length from your property and all the way to the boundary. This will make it relatively easy to pinpoint the exact location of the underground pipe in the future, when all sign of your excavation has long since disappeared. Typically, experts will use an electrical wire of around 14-gauge, and this can be detected by a wire tracer device that is held above ground. This device can easily locate non-energised wire, so there's no need to send any electricity through the wire, and it doesn't need to be connected to anything as a consequence.

Pinpointing the Problem

In the future, should you suspect a leak in the system outside, the specialist can first detect the exact location of the underground pipe. They can then pinpoint the source of the leak by sending an ultrasonic detection device through the interior of the pipe. This will allow them to triangulate the problem area, so they can access it with a minimum of excavation. Just think how much of an advantage this would be if you had covered the entire area with an asphalt parking surface or similar.

Other Advantages

Even if you don't spring a leak, you can still use the tracer wire to help you detect the location of the pipe. This would be useful if you were thinking about digging a foundation for something else or erecting a fence post or two in the general area.

Planning Ahead

Remember, you should be as proactive as possible whenever you design and install your utility systems to help cut down any delays, unnecessary damage or unwanted cost in the future. Make sure that you only work with plumbers who know how to use the tracer wire method to best effect. This will be one less thing for you to worry about when all the construction work is finished.
