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Understanding Your Irrigation System Plumbing

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Due to the many advantages of irrigation systems, most people have installed them for their lawns and gardens. Since they are equipment/machines, they are not immune to damage or wear and tear in the course of their use. Remember that the irrigation system is used outdoors and can be subjected to harsh weather conditions. Corrosion may also occur over time.

There are three important things you need to do. First, when thinking of installing an irrigation system, seek advice from a company that has specialisation in irrigation systems. Secondly, have your irrigation system serviced regularly. And thirdly, have repairs done as early as possible to avoid permanent damage. A general plumber can carry out these tasks, but having a specialised irrigation plumber may be better, as he or she will be trained specifically for irrigation systems. Irrigation plumbers will also hold certifications to prove their qualification.


There are many irrigation systems to choose from, and having little or no knowledge can lead you to make the wrong choice. You need to be aware that a majority of irrigation system companies offer an expert advice service, where you will inform them of your needs and they will get you a practical solution. They will visit the site and help you make the correct choice. This is a very crucial step. Don't just go with a certain system because your friend or relative finds it great; it may not be the right one for you and may end up costing you extra or underserving you.

What Do Irrigation Systems Comprise?

As mentioned above, you need to have service and repairs done. The company that installed your irrigation system should be in a position to offer service, repairs and general maintenance. Your irrigation system may include drips, pumps, bores, sprinkler systems, automatic or manual systems and other watering machines. The company should be able to service all these components.

What Does Service and Maintenance Include?

The irrigation plumber may carry out a dripline flush, controller inspection, system test cycle, leak inspection, electrical safety inspection and adjustments and repairs where necessary. Adjustments may include things like the addition of water tanks. Other tests and checks that may be done include maintenance of your pump and backflow tests. Sometimes some parts may require replacement due to wear. Valves are among these parts. If not replaced, they can cause serious damage.

Taking the above into consideration when thinking of purchasing and using an irrigation system is essential if you want it to serve you correctly, efficiently, effectively and for the longest time possible.
