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3 Signs It Is Time to Change Your Hot Water System

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Having a constant supply of hot water in your home is one of the vital requirements for every homeowner. There is nothing more inconvenient than getting to the bathroom in the winter and finding that the hot water tank broke down. Sometimes it might take a while before you choose the right system and replace the dysfunctional ones. However, you can watch for signs indicating that yours is failing and have it replaced before it falls apart. Here are four ways you can tell that it is time to change the system.

1. When the Heater Is Too Old

Water heaters can last and serve you for a decade or longer. However, their efficiency decreases as the years advance. For example, the efficiency of your new unit will not be the same after thirteen years. Also, as the system gets older, you will find it breaking down frequently. Instead of having to deal with the countless repairs and inconveniences, consider replacing the system. A hot water system plumber can help you determine when your system starts losing its energy efficiency rating so you can replace it.

2. When the Water Is Dirty and Smelly

Changes in the colour and smell of your water are another way to tell that your hot water system needs a replacement. The water that comes out of the tank should be clear when the tank does not have issues. If the water comes out slightly cloudy, it could be that your tank has some limescale build-up. However, get worried when your hot water taps start discharging brown and dirty water. It is always an indication that either the tank or the pipes have rusted.

If the damage is inside the tank, there is little that the plumber can do except replacing the old tank with a new one. Your hot water should always smell fresh unless the accumulated deposits are causing unwanted smells.

3. When the Heater Makes Noise

Noise is another indicator that you could have a damaged tank in need of repairs. The hot water tank might make rumbling and popping sounds because of the build-up of sediments. The noises get louder as the tank gets older. A professional plumber will assess the cause and determine the most suitable replacement.

Some water heater issues can only end when you replace the tank. You should hire a competent hot water systems plumber to assess the state of the tank. They will determine whether it has come to an end of its useful life.  
